Thomas Flyer Exhibit
About the Exhibit
In 1908 in the middle of winter, six cars from around the world embark on the most grueling journey of all time, the New York to Paris automobile race. It’s a remarkable story of man and machine against unimaginable odds, complete with maps of the route. It features the only American entry, the Museum’s 1907 Thomas Flyer that won the race.

Hear from our Exhibit Visitors

The exhibits were beautiful and extensive. We enjoyed seeing the very old models to follow the evolution of the vehicles. Everything was spotless and well maintained.

Well done collection! Learned a lot about the Thomas Flyer and it’s wild trip around the world. Definitely worth a visit if you are visiting Reno.

The whole family can enjoy the museum. There are 5 galleries each with dozens of beautifully restored cars. Don't miss the Thomas Flyer and the movie about Bill Harrah
